Character Policies
Honor – All members are to uphold the policies of this charter. They are to uphold the honor of the guild and her members. All agreements and alliances with others are to be honored. All game policies are to be followed. Abide by the looting policy set forth by the group or raid.
Fellowship - All members are to contribute to the guild and her members be it in-game or out of game. Support one another and help one another. When grouping with fellow guild members, use the "Need before Greed" rule when it comes to distribution of items. If items are offered to the guild, main characters have priority over alternate characters.
Have Fun - It's only a game so remember that.
Player Policies
Please keep the language and innuendo on the forums or in the game to a PG-13 rating. Cursing, innuendo, or being disrespectful is not allowed in guild chat. Personal attacks are not allowed. You never know what kind of person is behind the computer so don't assume and treat everyone with respect.
Alternate Characters
There is no restriction on players creating other characters or joining other guilds. It is discouraged because it takes away your time from this guild. These characters do not belong to this guild and are not governed by its policies with the exception of behavior and honor. Any information or matters concerning this guild must be kept private and within the guild.
Alternate characters in the guild are to be tagged as members and have their main character's name in the public notice. Alternate characters of officers are allowed to maintain their officer status.
Crime and Punishment
Members who are caught violating the policies of the charter will immediately be investigated. Each infraction will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Never accuse anyone of an infraction without evidence such as witnesses and/or screen captures of the offense. If found guilty, the offender will be punished accordingly which may include expulsion from the guild. You are responsible for your characters actions so if you lend your account to another person and they cause an issue, you are responsible.
Guild Membership Requirements
All new members must go through the following process to become a member of this guild. Waivers may be granted in special circumstances such as family members. These requirements are necessary to insure the quality and integrity of its members.
Becoming an Initiate
1). Be sponsored by One member of this guild and then invited into the guild as an initiate by an officer.
2). Gain access to the forums.
3). Read and agree to this charter on the forums.
4). Write a short introduction of yourself about your character, gaming experience, and what you expect out of the guild on the forums. You do not need to write anything personal about yourself.
Initiates will be restricted from certain guild resources and privileges. They will not be allowed personal access to guild owned resources.
An Initiate can lose their status by violating a policy in the charter, becoming inactive, being disrespectful, the guild feels that you are not up to the standards of the guild, etc.
Becoming a Full Member
1.) Must have served as an Initiate for at least one month.
2.) Petition the guild on the forums that you want full membership.
The officers will then vote to upgrade the Initiate to Full membership status. If accepted, the main character will receive the veteran title.
The Government
The government of the guild is a council. All members have the right to voice their opinion. However, only officers will be able to vote on the issues. A majority of 51% or greater is needed to pass a resolution. In emergencies, the Guildmaster may make the decision without consultation of the council although, it may be overturned at a later date.
The Guildmaster is the leader of the entire guild and all of its communities. The guildmaster's duty is to implement the will of the guild. The guildmaster has the power to exercise decisions without consent of the guild, although it may be overturned by a council vote.
If the Guildmaster goes on leave of absence, control will fall to the other Guildmaster or designated officer.
Officers are those who have demonstrated leadership and experience. They are the governing body of the guild. They are to deal with issues in the absence of the guildmaster.
Recruiters maintain the guild roster. Processes all new recruit paperwork and follow up work to make sure all requirements have been fulfilled.
The Webmaster creates and maintains the guild website. This site is filled with information about the guild for others to learn about us.
Positions are created/dismissed as needed by the Legends Council.